Meet the Team

Alicia Bevc

Alicia is a degree qualified clinical nutritionist, passionate about optimising your nervous system, gut health, hormones, and skin health; acknowledging that each body system is interconnected in beautiful harmony, therefore treating the whole person rather than just your symptoms.

Alicia is unbiased in her approach to healing, aiming to optimise your health and wellbeing tailored around your individual dietary and lifestyle preferences; vegan, carnivore, vegetarian, pescatarian, label or no label, Alicia respects and honours exactly where you are in your own life journey.

Evidence based practice is of utmost importance to Alicia, and therefore will research each detail about your case to provide the most individualised care that encompasses food as medicine, lifestyle recommendations, mindfulness practices, supplement recommendations, and so much more.

How Nutrition can Assist your Journey

Alicia aims to identify the underlying cause of symptoms or disease in a holistic way; seeking to address the driving factors through an assessment of all of your beautifully interconnected body systems rather than simply treating your symptoms temporarily. She will then work with your budget, current diet, culture, ethics and values in order to create the most suitable treatment for you.

Conditions that Alicia can Assist:

  • Nervous system health

  • Gut disturbances

  • Skin conditions

  • Low mood/Depression

  • Energy & vitality

  • Heavy metal detoxification

  • Women’s & Men’s hormonal conditions

  • Weight management

  • Immune system optimisation

  • Poor sleep and insomnia

  • Thyroid optimisation

  • Cardiovascular system ailments

  • Metabolic conditions

  • Blood test interpretations

How Yoga can Assist your Journey

Alicia aims to identify the underlying cause of symptoms or disease in a holistic way; seeking to address the driving factors through an assessment of all of your beautifully interconnected body systems rather than simply treating your symptoms temporarily. She will then work with your budget, current diet, culture, ethics and values in order to create the most suitable treatment for you.